Industry worker baling products.

Categoria: Processes

14 de March de 2025

Automatic vs. manual baling: understand the advantages and disadvantages

Modern industry is always looking for new solutions that help optimize the production line and save resources. With increasingly competitiveness, every detail can make a difference in product quality and revenue results.

To ensure productivity and profitability, industrial processes need to be increasingly precise to avoid wasting time and unnecessary expenses with labor and raw materials.

Thus, process automation becomes a powerful resource to streamline manufacturing activities and provide scalability to processes. And when we talk about product baling, it is no different.

You may be wondering whether it is worth opting for automatic baling in your industry, and so in this content we will show you the main differences between automatic vs. manual baling, so that you know which is the best option for the specificities of your business. Let’s take a look!

How important is baling?

Before we discuss each of the techniques used in the baling process, it is important to understand why the process itself is important.

Baling, also known as bundling, is the process that transforms single, individual packages of product into a large package with several packages joined together in a bundle – the secondary packaging.

The aim of this process is to ensure better preservation of primary packaging, since the secondary packaging, i.e. the bundle, represents an extra barrier against damage at stages of the distribution chain, such as transportation and storage.

In addition, baling also facilitates transportation, speeding up the palletizing and movement of goods, whether while still inside the factory or from the moment the product leaves it.

Automatic baling

Automatic baling machine.

Automated baling involves the mechanization of the grouping process. In other words, the use of automatic machinery to form bales, without the need for human manipulation.

In automated baling, the machine performs the processes of counting the packages, distributing them in the layout predefined in the parameters (with one, two or three columns) and closing (sealing) the bale.

Advantages of automatic baling

Learn about some of the main advantages of this type of baling:

Reduction of human errors

Because it is carried out automatically, this type of baling helps to avoid human errors, such as counting or improperly positioning the product units inside the bale packaging, which can lead to the bale breaking and damage or loss of products.

Reduction in the use of plastic film

Automatic balers have traction and alignment mechanisms that prevent the waste of plastic film, which ensures a more sustainable operation, aligned with the reduction of waste and emissions.

In addition, they are capable of compacting unitary packages more, reducing the size of the final bale and requiring less use of raw material for secondary packaging.

Reduction in labor costs

Automating baling helps reduce the need for personnel and labor costs. Furthermore, the use of machines ensures that baling is always standardized and does not require rest stops, increasing productivity as a whole.

Statistical data of the operation

It is worth noting that, among the advantages of having automation of any process, the valuable amount of data that is acquired about the operation stands out, allowing not only monitoring, but the continuous evolution of the process, which will always be quantified and measured.

Disadvantages of automatic baling

Possible disadvantages of automated baling include:

Need for greater initial investment

The initial cost of purchasing and implementing an automated baling system can be high, but this is a cost that is paid for in a very short time. In other words, the payback period for this implementation is short and, for most industries, automation represents a short-term saving that is much greater than the initial costs.

Factory space and structure according to the layout

The possibility of adjusting the factory layout to install an automatic baler may be a disadvantage when the factory is not prepared. Therefore, it will be necessary to reconfigure the standards to meet the automation requirements.

Manual baling

Industry worker baling products.

Manual baling may be a more viable alternative for small companies, whose production lines are small and whose production volumes do not justify the implementation of an automated process.

As previously mentioned, manual baling is more prone to errors and human failures due to the lack of standardization. With each bale, the employee may insert the packages in a different way, which causes the bales to have very different configurations, volumes and sizes from one another, making it difficult to fit bales on pallets, in boxes or inside transport vehicles.

The speed of baling is also compromised when it is done manually, since human labor ends up taking longer than that performed by machines, in addition to requiring rest breaks that are not necessary in the automated process.

Sustainability is also one of the processes that loses out with the adoption of manual baling, since the waste of plastic film for wrapping the bales is usually greater.

The final decision: automatic vs. manual baling

Indumak automatic baling machine.

As you can see, it is important to analyze the specific needs of the operation before choosing between automatic or manual baling, since each type of operation has characteristics that dictate the ideal type of process.

However, if your operation requires greater efficiency and productivity, automatic baling is certainly a great option. And if this is your case, know that Indumak offers modern equipment that combines efficiency and sustainability adapted to meet the most diverse demands.

How about getting to know our automated baling solutions and also scheduling a conversation with our experts to find out which is the ideal product to optimize the productivity of your industry?

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