Categoria: Sem categoria

12 de July de 2024


The incorporation of robots in the industry with a focus on automation has been a revolution, not only for large corporations, but also for small and medium-sized companies. 

A palletizing system is one of the main ways to introduce automation in small industries, as it makes it possible to eliminate jobs that require exhaustive and repetitive efforts, replacing them with machine work. 

This change increases productivity and quality of results, and, above all, prevents accidents and occupational illnesses caused by excessive load. Continue reading to learn more about palletizing for small businesses with Indumak and understand its benefits. 

8 benefits of palletizing for small industries 

8 benefits of palletizing for small industries

The palletization implementation process is relatively simple and does not require major transformations in the company’s processes and can provide numerous benefits. Check out the main ones: 

Increased productivity 

By delegating physical, repetitive tasks that are often outside of ergonomic requirements to robots, small and medium-sized companies can free up their team for more strategic activities, resulting in an overall increase in productivity. 

Reduced downtime 

With automated palletizing systems, such as those offered by Indumak, downtime is significantly reduced. This translates into more continuous and efficient production. 

Greater precision and quality 

Robots are capable of performing tasks with high precision and consistency, which results in better quality final products and lower error rates. 

Flexibility and expansion 

With a single robot, it is possible to expand the production area and easily adapt to different product lines, even with small batches, providing greater operational flexibility. 

We reinforce that Indumak palletizing systems allow the integration of new future cells, which means that small and medium-sized companies can expand their automation as they grow, maintaining a high level of efficiency. 

Also read: 7 Frequently Asked Questions about palletizing projects 

Workplace safety 

Palletizing is a type of work that poses a high risk of injury when carried out

manually. With automation, small and medium-sized companies can guarantee a safer environment for employees and reduce the risk of workplace accidents. 

Talent attraction and retention 

The Millennial generation and Generation Z have different expectations regarding work, and automation technologies can be a differentiator in attracting and retaining these talents. Furthermore, training existing talent to handle equipment is a very simple task. 


The use of palletizing robots also offers a more efficient and conscious use of energy, in addition to reducing waste, bringing gains related to sustainability and the ESG agenda. 

All this evidence confirms the need for a long-term solution to operational-related problems. With Indumak palletizing, professionals are properly trained for a qualified operation, with the support and initial monitoring of our team of experts. 

Palletizing for small industries with Indumak

Palletizing for small industries with Indumak

When purchasing a palletizing system for your business, Indumak guarantees a series of benefits that can significantly boost the productivity and efficiency of these companies. 

By proving the gains from palletizing automation, it is possible to expand it to other areas of the company, such as storage and packaging, and obtain even more benefits and growth. During project development, professionals monitor the entire configuration of a tailor mande project. 

So, as your industry grows, you adapt the automation of your line, with positive and lasting impacts on your business. With Indumak, it is possible to automate small, medium and large companies.

With experience, we develop applications that are flexible, easy to use and available to everyone. Get in touch with the team of experts and discover the ideal Indumak solutions for your business. 

Read also: Indumak solutions for robotic palletizing 


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