Categoria: Innovation

21 de January de 2021

Discover the advantages of robotic cells in the manufacturing plant

Currently, industrial parks around the world adopt technological solutions for industrial automation to transform their production processes with more agility, efficiency and safety, raising the quality standard to previously unknown levels. It is the 4th industrial revolution that over time has been promoting a series of changes in different segments.

Robotic cells, which have been implemented on a large scale, are among these great solutions developed. Have you heard about them? The concept is innovative and involves complete systems with two or more production processes connected through robots that operate without major interference from human actions.

Among the activities that can be performed by this technology, are the goods palletizing process. Next, you will understand the advantages of a robotic cell and how investing in the automation of this step of storing your product can be beneficial for your business. Keep reading!

Robotic cells for palletizing

When comparing robotic cells to other solutions, we find that they offer an additional level of flexibility, which can be customized according to each need by combining tasks and other functions. These possibilities result in the optimization of the entire production line making the investment have a quick return, as the production capacity is maximized.

Understand why investing in robotic systems for palletizing

Each year, the volume of industries that invested in the implementation of robots for packaging, handling and storage systems increases. That is because this is a strategy that optimizes the use of resources and productivity, a constant theme in the planning meetings of companies that have high expectations for growth.

These systems require time to prepare and implement, so it is important to adapt the infrastructure to the right moment to boost production, reducing costs and uptime.

In addition to being characterized by a high degree of autonomy, quick payback and precision in the process, which becomes more accelerated and efficient, the high level of technology of robotic systems in palletizing offers other advantages such as:

  • Repeatability.
  • Robustness and durability.
  • Versatility: the palletizing system can receive up to three products simultaneously, respecting the cycling of the arm, the pattern and consistency of the bale.
  • Stacking of bags or bales of consistent size and shape, ensuring the presentation of a ready pallet of consistent pattern and size, which gains competitiveness in your final product.
  • Ease of multiple recipes per layer and several possibilities for positioning the bale on the pallet, such as: tips on the outside, label on the outside and prints on the outside.
  • In low production, the robotic arm can be used for joint functions, such as: moving empty pallets, applying slip sheets, applying film protection, etc.
  • Variety of layouts that facilitate the supply and movement of pallets.
  • Equipment life can reach 16 years after retrofit (8 + 8).
  • The average MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) is 55 thousand hours (6.2 years).
  • Lower MTTR (Mean Time To Rapair) due to the lower number of mechanical operations, ensuring greater production efficiency.

The purpose of this blog is to show some of the advantages that should be considered when investing in palletizing systems, which can be customized or standardized according to the need. The cells can house one or more robots, and the layouts can also be configured to suit compact spaces or complete layouts integrated with other applications and options.

Standardized cells are great for anyone who wants to take advantage of the benefits and advantages of this industrial automation model, but has a limited budget. Customized systems, on the other hand, require a minimum infrastructure, involving several accessories of configurations for wide layouts.

Another good news: Indumak can offer this solution for its manufacturing plant, transforming its business with cutting edge technologies from the leading brand of market in machinery and equipment for packing goods and palletizing.

Request a quote or leave a message and we will contact you.


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